
an AI powered detective role-playing game

WhoDunit Daily

Tech Tycoon's Fizzled Life at Sky-High Party - Murder or Mayhem?

Newspaper image

I bet you thought you would find the old boring Lorum Ipsum text here, but no!I am being creative and typing a bunch of placeholder text instead! And guess what, I'm doing it manually, and not actually using gpt for it! Isn't that impressive? Anyway I'll just keep typing. I actually considered generating real text here using gpt, it would be easy to do. But I figure it isn't really worth waiting for (or paying for) that content, since this text will be pretty tinyso you are unlikely to be reading it anyway.

Crime Scene

Crime scene

Drake's Private Office

Case File: Murder in the Sky Penthouse

Welcome, Detective!

You're about to begin a thrilling investigation set in a cyberpunk future, in the opulent, technologically advanced penthouse of a flying skyscraper belonging to the wealthy and innovative tech entrepreneur, Landon Drake. Just when the dazzling, multi-day birthday celebrations were at their peak, the disturbing news spread: Landon Drake had been found dead in his private office suite, next to his high-tech lab. The cause? A mysterious energy weapon and a body that tells the tale of a brutal murder.

Here are the main figures you'll be interacting with:

  1. Landon Drake, the charismatic and eccentric victim.
  2. Dr. Evelyn Price, Drake's personal physician and confidante.
  3. Jace Ryder, the street-savvy cybernetic engineer, known for his disdain of Drake.
  4. Athena, Drake's intelligent and mysterious artificial intelligence unit.
  5. Gavin Marshall, Drake’s smooth but ruthless former business partner.
  6. Leila, a cryptic stranger who attended Drake's party uninvited.

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to interrogate the key individuals related to this case, meticulously inspect the crime scene and collect all possible evidence. Piece together the many fragments of this complex crime and reveal the truth that lies behind the veil of this techier-than-life façade.

Proceed with caution, detective. Every choice you make, every clue you uncover will bring us one step closer to unmasking the murderer. Good luck!